
TechPlace 2.0 is here!

Welcome back to TechPlace – a new upgraded version, with added features, better content and more capacity!

The new TechPlace team has met to kick-off a new phase in TechPlace, building on the original site, the TechPlace Slack community and on the pilot meet-up events we ran in autumn last year.

The full details of the plan for “TechPlace 2.0” are being worked up as we speak, but there will be a range of new events, new content, and new opportunities to connect and exchange over the coming 18 months. I’ll be working with Alison Partridge, Béla Kézy, Ian Graham and Tracey Johnson and the URBACT Secretariat to bring you the latest thinking and examples around digital transition, smart city policy, innovative solutions and how cities can develop their capacity for using digital to help meet the challenges of the coming decade.

For now, we just wanted to let you know that we are ramping up for this exciting programme and to encourage you to watch this space for more info as we firm-up the plans.

In the meantime, you can check out the content we have here on or join our growing TechPlace Slack Community by simply clicking here.

We hope to see you very soon!

Alisa Aliti Vlasic

on behalf of the TechPlace Team